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The Missisquoi River Basin Association (MRBA) is, first and foremost, a volunteer organization. With the participation of community members, students, retirees, and citizen groups, the MRBA holds a number of workdays each year. Over the past 18 years, we have planted close to 23,000 trees to create streambank buffers and provide wildlife habitat. 


We are always planting more – check our events page to watch for a work day you can join!

Montgomery, River Walk Park
Montgomery, River Walk Park
Benedictine Monastery
Installing Brushrolls
Installing Brushrolls
ECO AmeriCorps member, 2016-2017
ECO AmeriCorps 2017
Montgomery, Town owned land
Live Staking

Below is an interactive map highlighting the various riparian restoration projects that the MRBA has assisted with over the last 18 years. The MRBA proudly partners with local landowners to conduct these improvements. 


If there is a land parcel in need of assistance, please email us at


How to navigate

To move around the map simply click and drag your cursor. To zoom in or out use the - and + icons in the top left, and to learn more about a particular location, simply click the point and read the pop up box.

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