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2022 LEAP College Summer Internship 


The MRBA is seeking a motivated college intern to help oversee our high-school interns as they work with landowners in our watershed.


Work within local communities; learn about water quality problems and how to remediate them; assist landowners with property improvements that also benefit our rivers; experience and enjoy our rivers in new ways!

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The Missisquoi River Basin Association (MRBA) is seeking a motivated college level intern to help oversee two high-school level interns as they work with landowners in our watershed to improve water quality. Interns will receive training with a MRBA staff mentor and work as a team. This position is within the Missisquoi River Basin and may require driving to different site locations within the watershed. This will be up to a 12-week position, with some flexibility for start and end dates and flexible working hours for most of the weeks [the high-school interns  will be on-board starting July 5th, and therefore hours during July will be less flexible, though MRBA staff will work with the right applicant to accommodate other commitments]. The position will average 20 hours per week, and will provide a stipend in the range of $3,600 for ~240 hours. Main tasks include communicating with town boards and committees, overseeing two high-school level interns for the month of July, working with landowners about water quality issues, river clean-ups along the Missisquoi, invasive species management, and assisting with event planning and outreach communications.​

What:  MRBA’s Lead LEAP College Intern will encourage and facilitate stewardship projects by landowners and towns that restore stream habitat and decrease runoff to our waterways. As part of this internship, the Lead Intern will oversee two high-school interns during the month of July, conducting half-day outreach and streambank improvement projects. This work is in collaboration with The Lake Education and Action Program (LEAP) through Lake Champlain Sea Grant.


Benefits: Stipend of up to $3,600, depending on number of hours worked

Public engagement opportunities and communication skills

Field project design and implementation experience


Where: Project locations will be within the Missisquoi watershed, focusing on three or four sites in Orleans and/or Franklin counties, to be determined.


Who:  Any college level student, interested in water quality with a passion to lead.  A reliable means of transportation is required.


When: 12 Weeks - somewhat flexible start date; required hours during the month of July

4 days per week

Interns will contribute ~240 hours


How to Apply: Submit letter of interest highlighting any previous experience or relevant coursework and a letter of recommendation by May 27th to

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